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Senin, 24 Oktober 2011

Sigmund Freud's Psychoanalysis

Psychoanalysis is psychology of the famous flow. This flow ascendant there are many to other area of psychology who pioneered by Sigmund Freud.

1.         Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)
Freud was born at Austria May 6 1856, than with the family Freud move to Wina and stay at the city. He come from indigent family, her father is a grocer wool material. Since little, Freud showing intelligence that tremendous. He study at medical faculty and chose specialization at neurology. But Freud more like to do research.
There is two person one that ascendant for Freud's thinking, its Breur, a famous psikiater in Wina and Charcot, a famous nerve doctor at Prancis. With Breur, Freud handling patient hysteric trouble. From Charcot it there are many studying hit hypnosis tech in handle hysteria patient. Than Freud's leave this hypnosis tech because difficult is applied and develops tech dig up consciousness pass, as free association.
On centuries early decade 20, psychoanalysis gets popular and Freud's writings gets ascendants. 

2. Thinking and theory
Freud divides mind into consciousness, preconsciousness and unconsciousness. Of third consciousness aspect, unconsciousness is dominant the most and most important in determine man behavior (its analogy with iceberg). 
In unconscious was kept by remembering a tender age, big psyches energy and instinct. Preconsciousness is bridge personation among conscious and unconscious, contain remembering or accessible IDE any time. Consciousness only sectioned little from mind, but the only one part which have direct contact with reality.
Freud develops mind's structure concept upon by develops ‘ mind apparatus ’, which is that recognized with Freud's configurationally structure and as formation what does primal, which is id, ego and superego. 
a.    Id is the most basic structured of configuration, entirely unrealized and working terminological pleasure principle, its aim is saturated satisfactory one soon.
b.   Ego from id, configurationally structure that control consciousness and taking a decision for man behavior. Superego, amends of ego while man understands to good assess bad and moral.
c.    Superego reflection is social point and revives individuals on charge moral. If breach happening assesses, superego sentences ego by evoke false taste.